Friday, July 18, 2014

16 Lessons For 16 Years

Just like everyone else I have faced by hardships, joyful times and the middle ground of sitting around waiting for inspiration to cure the boredom.  They say that when one door closes another opens but, only you have the key to open it. These are lessons I've gathered during my sixteen years. I aspire to touch the hearts of others. So with out further ado I give you a mere 16 lessons and their sub-parts to tickle your brain.

Lesson 1.  You are alive.
  • When something goes wrong I like to say to myself, "Well....hey, I'm alive". This simple reminder puts the little rock in the road into perspective. 
Lesson 2. Don't take the back seat in your life. Be the driver.
  • If it will impact you, you must have a say.
Lesson 3. Optimism in all times, sets a deer apart from a fawn.

Lesson 4. Be all in or don't do it at all. Fear is not a good enough reason for you to miss out on life's wonders.

Lesson 5. Don't loose yourself because you want others to like you. It's not worth loosing yourself for. The moment you start trying to please others will be when you aren't able to.

Lesson 6. When life throws you a curve ball, stay calm and knock it out of the park.

Lesson 7. You can do it. It's just a matter of will you?
  • It's yours for the taking if you want it.
  • If it feels right do it. Your intuition is key!
 Lesson 8.  Love is like an onion; It has layers.

Lesson 9.  Keep all but one of your kings in the back row.

Lesson 10. You have to be your number one supporter. You have to believe in yourself. If you don't who will? You are to wear yourself like you believe it.

Lesson 11. You'll never be able to fly if you keep one foot on the ground.

Lesson 12. Do it. Worry about consequences later. You can always regret doing something but at least you did it. Damned if you do and Damned if you don't so might as well do.

Lesson 13. You can make any situation better. Always. Silver linings aren't always obvious but, they are more than worth the work.

Lesson 14. You don't need someone by your side for you to be happy.

Lesson 15. They say happiness is a mindset. So is fear.

Lesson 16. In time what you have planted now, you will harvest.

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